What I am going to discuss here is a standard Page Object Pattern Framework for WATIR.
What each and every framework requires are, Driver Script, Object repository, Script to read data from Data source(EXCEL, CSV or any other), Files to generate and store reports and finally Test Files.
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The framework designed by me contains following things
Xunit framework test-unit
Data Sources: EXCEL and YAML
Reports: I am using ci_reporter with JUnit ANT target to generate HTML report
Driver Script: BATCH file which will run tests according to parameter passed and will generate the report.
Object Repository: Ruby class per page.
Now let's see everything in details.
Test Script:LoginTestWithYAML.rb inside Test Folder
And finally our driver scripts: run.rb
If you want to run all the tests inside Tests\Smoke folder give enter the following command on command prompt
run smoke
for regression enter the following command
run regression
if you will not provide any argument it will run all the tests under Tests folder.
What each and every framework requires are, Driver Script, Object repository, Script to read data from Data source(EXCEL, CSV or any other), Files to generate and store reports and finally Test Files.
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The framework designed by me contains following things
Xunit framework test-unit
Data Sources: EXCEL and YAML
Reports: I am using ci_reporter with JUnit ANT target to generate HTML report
Driver Script: BATCH file which will run tests according to parameter passed and will generate the report.
Object Repository: Ruby class per page.
Now let's see everything in details.
Test Script:LoginTestWithYAML.rb inside Test Folder
require 'rubygems' gem 'test-unit' require 'test\unit' require 'watir' require_relative '../Libs/BaseClassInstanceMethods' require_relative '../Libs/BaseClassClassMethods' require_relative '../ObjRepository/LoginPage' require_relative '../Libs/ReadYAML' class LoginTestWithYAML < Test::Unit::TestCase include ReadYAML include LoginPage include BaseClassInstanceMethods extend BaseClassClassMethods def test_gmail username_textbox.set(readData("noPassword","username")) password_textbox.set(readData("noPassword","password")) login_button.click() assert(($browser.text.include? "Enter your password."),"Verify Error Messages") end endReadYAML.rb inside Libs folder
require 'yaml' =begin Author: Gaurang read the YAML file based on the given scenario name and fieldname =end module ReadYAML @@config = YAML.load_file("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../data/gmail.yaml") def readData(scenarioName, fieldName) if (@@config[scenarioName][fieldName].nil?) then return "" else return @@config[scenarioName][fieldName] end end endObject repository: LoginPage.rb inside ObjRepository folder
=begin Author: Gaurang Contains all the elements on the login page =end module LoginPage def username_textbox return $browser.text_field(:id,"Email") end def password_textbox return $browser.text_field(:id,"Passwd") end def login_button return $browser.button(:id,"signIn") end endANT Target to generate HTML report
And finally our driver scripts: run.rb
require 'rubygems' gem 'test-unit' require 'test/unit' gem 'ci_reporter' require 'ci/reporter/rake/test_unit_loader.rb' =begin Author: Guarang Driver file which would run all the tests inside Test Folder. =end class Run if (ARGV.length >= 1 ) then if (ARGV[0].downcase == "smoke") then p "smoke" folder= "Tests/Smoke/*.rb" elsif (ARGV[0].downcase == "regression") then p "regression" folder= "Tests/Regression/*.rb" end else p "default" folder= "Tests/*.rb" end Dir[folder].each do |test| p test require_relative test end endrub.bat
If you want to run all the tests inside Tests\Smoke folder give enter the following command on command prompt
run smoke
for regression enter the following command
run regression
if you will not provide any argument it will run all the tests under Tests folder.
@echo off @echo "initializing..." rd /s/q Test @echo "Running Tests..." ruby run.rb %1 @echo "Generating reports..." start cmd /C ant rem wait for 6 seconds PING -n 1 -w 6000 >NUL @echo "Opening report..." start test/reports/junit-noframes.html"
Can we use the frame work in Mac also?
hey jody,
Yes we can use the same framework for MAC or Linux the only difference would be you can't use EXCEL for data driven, you will have to use only YAML.
I have bunch of YAML files and I need to convert them into single CSV file I did research but didnt get anything can you help me on this?
Thank you in advance
How can i run all the test in the excel file?
Is there a way to run defined scenarios in a non-aphalanumeric order?
how can i open this project and how can i run.Please tel me how can i open and run
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