Selenium grid is basically used to run the testcases in parallel. There are two things you can do using selenium grid.
1. You can run the testcases in parellel to save the execution time.
2. You can run the same testcases on different browsers in parellel to test for the browser compatibility.
So let's see how to do it.
Run Testcases of different classes in parallel on same machine.
In this example we have to classes SeleniumGridDemo1 and SeleniumGridDemo2. SeleniumGridDemo1 class has two methods test_first() and test_second(). SeleniumGridDemo2 also has two methods test_third() and test_fourth().
By the following configuration test_first() and test_second() will run in parallel with test_third() and test_fourth().
Now in order to run testcases in parallel we need to start grid hub and selenium remote controls. As we have specified two threads in testng.xml we will start two remote controls.
To start grid hub and remote control, Open command prompt, go to selenium grid directory and give following commands.
to stat the grid hub
After this open http://localhost:4444/console. In this you should be able to see you both the remote controls under Available Remote Controls section as appears in below image.
Now you can run the same using testn.xml from you eclipse any other IDE or you can write down ANT file.
Run Testcases of different classes in parallel on different machine
In this example we will run the same testcases in SeleniumGridDemo1 and SeleniumGridDemo2 classes. We don't need to change in testng.xml or any other file.
We just need to start one remote control on local machine and another remote control on another remote machine.
To start grid hub and remote control, Open command prompt, go to selenium grid directory and give following commands.
to stat the grid hub
Now Login into another machine and from command prompt navigate to selenium grid directory and fire following command
After this open http://localhost:4444/console. In this you should be able to see both the remote controls under Available Remote Controls section as appears in below image.
1. You can run the testcases in parellel to save the execution time.
2. You can run the same testcases on different browsers in parellel to test for the browser compatibility.
So let's see how to do it.
- Run testcases in parellel
- Run Testcases of different classes in parallel on same machine.
- "Run Testcases of different classes in parallel on different machine
- Run Testcases for browser compatibility
- Run same testcases on different browser on same machine
- Run same testcases on different browser on different machine
Run Testcases of different classes in parallel on same machine.
In this example we have to classes SeleniumGridDemo1 and SeleniumGridDemo2. SeleniumGridDemo1 class has two methods test_first() and test_second(). SeleniumGridDemo2 also has two methods test_third() and test_fourth().
By the following configuration test_first() and test_second() will run in parallel with test_third() and test_fourth().
/** * @author Gaurang Shah * To demonstrate the Selenium Grid */ import org.testng.annotations.*; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium; public class SeleniumGridDemo1 { public Selenium selenium; @Parameters( { "browser" }) @BeforeClass public void setup(String browser) { selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, browser,""); selenium.start(); } @AfterClass public void tearDown() { selenium.stop(); } @Test public void test_first() {"/"); selenium.type("q", "First");"btnG"); } @Test public void test_second() {"/"); selenium.type("q", "second");"btnG"); } }
/** * @author Gaurang Shah * To demonstrate the Selenium Grid */ import org.testng.annotations.*; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium; public class SeleniumGridDemo2 { public Selenium selenium; @Parameters({"browser"}) @BeforeClass public void setup(String browser){ selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, browser, ""); selenium.start(); } @AfterClass public void tearDown(){ selenium.stop(); } @Test public void test_third() {"/"); selenium.type("q","third");"btnG"); } @Test public void test_fourth() {"/"); selenium.type("q","fourth");"btnG"); } }
<suite name="parelledSuite" verbose="3" parallel="classes" thread-count="2"> <test name="Selenium Gird Demo"> <parameter name="browser" value="*iexplore"/> <classes> <class name="SeleniumGridDemo1"/> <class name="SeleniumGridDemo2"/> </classes> </test> </suite>
Now in order to run testcases in parallel we need to start grid hub and selenium remote controls. As we have specified two threads in testng.xml we will start two remote controls.
To start grid hub and remote control, Open command prompt, go to selenium grid directory and give following commands.
to stat the grid hub
ant launch-hubTo Start the selenium remote control for Internet explorer
ant launch-remote-control -Denvironment="*iexplore"To Start the selenium remote control for Internet explorer on different port
ant launch-remote-control -Denvironment="*iexplore" -Dport=5556
After this open http://localhost:4444/console. In this you should be able to see you both the remote controls under Available Remote Controls section as appears in below image.
Now you can run the same using testn.xml from you eclipse any other IDE or you can write down ANT file.
<project name="demo" default="run" basedir="."> <property name="classes.dir" value="bin" /> <property name="src.dir" value="src" /> <property name="report.dir" value="reports" /> <path id="libs"> <fileset dir="src\Libs\"> <include name="*.jar"/> </fileset> <pathelement path="${basedir}\${classes.dir}"/> </path> <target name="run"> <antcall target="init"/> <antcall target="compile"/> <antcall target="runTestNG"/> </target> <!-- Delete old data and create new directories --> <target name="init" > <echo>Initlizing...</echo> <delete dir="${classes.dir}" /> <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/> <delete dir="${report.dir}" /> <mkdir dir="${report.dir}"/> <mkdir dir="${logs.dir}"/> </target> <!-- Complies the java files --> <target name="compile"> <echo>Compiling...</echo> <javac debug="true" srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}" classpathref="libs" /> </target> <target name="runTestNG"> <taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpathref="libs"/> <testng outputDir="${report.dir}" haltonfailure="false" useDefaultListeners="true" classpathref="libs"> <xmlfileset dir="${basedir}" includes="testng.xml"/> </testng> </target> </project>
Run Testcases of different classes in parallel on different machine
In this example we will run the same testcases in SeleniumGridDemo1 and SeleniumGridDemo2 classes. We don't need to change in testng.xml or any other file.
We just need to start one remote control on local machine and another remote control on another remote machine.
To start grid hub and remote control, Open command prompt, go to selenium grid directory and give following commands.
to stat the grid hub
ant launch-hubTo Start the selenium remote control for Internet explorer
ant launch-remote-control -Denvironment="*iexplore"
Now Login into another machine and from command prompt navigate to selenium grid directory and fire following command
ant launch-remote-control -DhubURL= -Denvironment=*iexploreIn above command is the IP address where my Selenium grid Hub is running.
After this open http://localhost:4444/console. In this you should be able to see both the remote controls under Available Remote Controls section as appears in below image.
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