Few times back i just come across the situation where i require to select all the checkboxes on page. To do that one by one will make code to huge so i think about using loops for that. And here is the solution.
The following code will open the page that has 6 checkboxes and will check them all one by one.
The following code will open the page that has 6 checkboxes and will check them all one by one.
import org.testng.annotations.*; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; public class TestCheckbox { private Selenium selenium; @BeforeClass public void setUp(){ selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 2323, "*chrome", "http://qtp-help.blogspot.com"); selenium.start(); selenium.open("/"); } @Test public void selectAllCheckboxes() throws InterruptedException{ selenium.open("http://qtp-help.blogspot.com/2010/10/selenium-checkbox-example.html"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("6000"); Thread.sleep(3000); int totalCheckboxes = selenium.getXpathCount("//input[@type='checkbox']").intValue(); for (int i = 1; i < totalCheckboxes+1; i++) { if(!selenium.isChecked("//input[@id='checkbox"+i+"']")){ selenium.click("//input[@id='checkbox"+i+"']"); } } } }
selenium.getXpathCount shows undefined. Please help.
May be XPath you are using is not correct.
Please use the XPather add-on of firefox to check if you are using the correct Xpath which will give you all the checkbox or not ???
Hello sir your blog is really helpful
I have a question
Is is possible to have automation testing using java selenium to a page which has images and i need to check the images are appearing or not if yes can you give some sample code
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